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What is Digital Marketing?

What is Digital Marketing?

“What is digital marketing?” This question is one of the issues that businesses are looking for an answer intensively in line with developing technology and changing human needs. 

Along with the evolving technology, businesses have engaged in intense efforts to adapt themselves to the changes in consumer behavior. At this point, the needs for Digital Marketing and Technology-based business management have emerged.

With the increasing presence and importance of the internet in our lives, there has been a growing interest in digital platforms and applications. The most prominent examples demonstrating the changes in digital platform usage rates are the increased usage rates of Instagram, Twitter, and WhatsApp. Concurrently, the changes in people's shopping behavior can be clearly observed with the diversification of online marketplace applications. 

Based on this information, if we briefly answer the question, "What is Digital Marketing?", it refers to the activities carried out in digital environments and applications to promote and market products and services. 

The concept of Digital Marketing is a term we have heard even more after the changes in consumer shopping habits during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

"Dijital Pazarlama; encompasses all promotional processes carried out through search engines (Google, Yandex, etc.), websites, social media applications (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.), email channels, and mobile applications." 

What Are The Types of Digital Marketing?

A general statement could be that all actions taken in the digital environment for marketing products and services can be referred to as digital marketing. Although this statement may not be the complete definition of digital marketing, it is a correct generalization. "Dijital Marketing" has also started to gain recognition in our language.

There are many types of digital marketing available. The most preferred types of marketing are website marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, pay-per-click advertising (PPC), social media marketing, email marketing, and many more. However, the most popular types of digital marketing are these. 

Why is Digital Marketing Important?

The concept of digital marketing has gained significant importance, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath. It is a type of marketing where companies can reach their customers more quickly and easily, and customers can also reach out to companies. When the process of digital marketing is properly planned and managed, it holds great customer potential for businesses. Traditional marketing, which was heavily relied upon before the advent of digital marketing, is starting to lose its effectiveness. 

What Are The Advantages of Digital Marketing for Businesses?

Digital marketing offers significant convenience for both businesses and customers. By implementing the right strategies and efficient process management, businesses can achieve substantial returns with low budgets. This can be considered one of the major advantages for businesses. Another important aspect for businesses is that reaching the right target audience becomes easier for promotional activities in digital marketing. Although the size of the target audience may increase the costs of the digital marketing advertising process, a well-structured Digital Marketing Campaign holds significant customer potential. 

What Are The Advantages of Digital Marketing for Customers?

When we examine the digital marketing process from the perspective of customers or consumers, it is possible to see a different positive impact. The biggest advantage of digital marketing processes for customers is the ability to analyze and compare. In digital environments, customers can easily examine factors such as price analysis, product analysis, and reviews before making a purchase decision. This becomes a significant criterion for customers. Another customer-oriented benefit is the ease of accessibility. This habit reached its peak during the COVID-19 pandemic and has continued in the subsequent period. The combination of these general benefits has further increased the importance of digital marketing in finding ways to attract people to e-commerce or to visit stores.

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